PC2000-ISA Spectrometer, retail $TBA (No longer manufactured?)
Manufactured by Ocean Optics (http://oceanoptics.com)
Last updated 10-18-09

This product does not emit light of its own (much like this spectrometer), so the standard review format will not be used and the product will be assigned a rating at once. A very high rating too, as during the time I've had it, it has thus far performed flawlessly.

Also, you must note that a lot of the features of the spectrometer and its software suite go unused, and therefore, unmentioned.

The PC2000-ISA Spectrometer is a very small device (plugs into any 16-bit ISA slot inside your computer) that can provide the spectral content of any UVA, visible, or NIR light source (ranging from ~350nm to ~1000nm) , using a program called OOIBase32 to show the spectrum on your computer screen in graph format.

It is very important that you install the software on your computer BEFORE installing the spectrometer itself.

Here's a screen dump (yes it's really called that) of the OOIBase32 software window.

This program does a lot, but for this website sakes, I have just been taking screen dumps (yes, they're really called that), cropping them so only the spectral window is displayed, saving them in .GIF format (so that they're "web friendly"), and displaying them on this website; like this shining example:

To actually install the spectrometer in your computer, first thing you'll need to do is turn the computer off.
Remove the case (or the portion of the case that will allow you to access the motherboard), and set it aside.

Locate a 16-bit ISA slot - the 8-bit ISA slot has a single socket; the 16-bit slot has a longer socket divided by a seperator. You want the 16-bit slot here. Not all computers will have a 16-bit ISA slot; none of mine did until I got my hands on a Gateway 2000 - that computer was equipped with not one, but TWO of the little buggers.

This is a 16-bit ISA slot (where the red arrow is pointing).
In fact, this is exactly where my PC200-ISA used to live.

Remove the metal cover over the opening in the back of the computer right in front of this slot.

Plug the PC2000-ISA spectrometer card into this slot (push it straight down - fairly firmly if necessary - until it stops), and fasten the metal end with the screw you removed earlier when taking that little metal cover off.

Reassemble your computer's case, and turn the computer on.

Once your computer has booted up, start OOIBase32 from your desktop, and you should be in business!!!

To take a measurement, remove the screwed-on "bung" from the end of the spectrometer card, and with OOIBase32 running, irradiate that little opening with the light you wish to take an analysis of. My PC2000-ISA spectrometer came with a length of fiber optic cable; you would screw one end of it into the spectrometer's light input aperture, and irradiate the other end with the light under test. Move the light closer to or farther away from the sensor as you observe the computer's screen. If the top of the spectrum is high and flattened, pull the light back; if the curve is very low, move the light closer. Move your mouse pointer over the "camera" icon, and left-click on it once to "freeze" the spectrum; you may then remove or deactivate the light source under test.

This screen shows that you can adjust the colors of the displayed spectrum;
as you can see here I chose a red "trendline" over a black background.

Test unit was furnished by Ocean Optics in 2003; I did not have a place to install it until 10-10-07.

Unit was sold on 09-19-09 to help prevent an eviction.
Therefore, that dreadful "" will appear next to its listings on this website at once, to denote the fact that I no longer have the instrument.

Product was made in the United States.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

OOIBase32 is known to function properly in Windows 98; it is not known what other OS platforms can be used.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

    MANUFACTURER: Ocean Optics
    PRODUCT TYPE: Spectrometer
    No. OF LAMPS: N/A
    BEZEL: N/A
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    ACCESSORIES: Software CD, 3.5" calibration diskette
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    Star RatingStar Rating

PC2000-ISA Spectrometer *

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