Cumpenys Hoo Kant Spel.

What in the name of Davy Jones' locker is a "toliet" anyway?
Is it anything like a "tolet", a "tiolet", or for Christ sakes, even a "TOILET"?
Found on a successful commercial website.

Thuh kumpeny hoo maiks thuh Accu-Chek diabeetus meeter lefft owt thuh "C" inn "check".

Whie o wye kant cumpenyz spel the werd "through" kerrektlie?
I've seen this word misspelled not just on structures, but on TV and in print as well. This structure was found just past Pacific Highway S. and S. 320th in Federal Way WA. USA on 04-25-09.

I saw it last week but forgot to take a photograph; I figured that it would still be there when I passed through again - and it was.

Thuh kumpeny thatt hadd theez banorrz prudussed kant spel thuh werds "toilet" or "urinal".

This is for the shipping company Federal Express.
One would think that a multimillion dollar company could hire people that can spell...guess not.

This was on the outside of a box for packing mirrors into.
Eye gyess sumbuddy cudnt spel thuh werd "pack" ohn thys bawks.

This is for a company called TruGreen LandCare.
Shouldn't that be "TrueGreen LandCare"?

And this is on a box of Chantix, a prescription drug.
It reads "Continuing Month PAK".
Shouldn't that be "Continuing Month PACK"?

This is Wrigley's gum in the "Plen-T-Pak".
Shouldn't that be "Plenty Pack"?

This is an artificial ice thing called a "FREEZ PAK".
Shouldn't that be "FREEZE PACK""?

"Hwie" "kant" "kumpenys" "spel"?
It would not make me any less likely to purchase the product or use the service if the "werdz" "wer" "spelt" "kerektlee".
Makes me want to go out to the bar and get hammered - and I do not even drink douches - er - uh - alcohol!!!

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Please have the courtesy to ask before using or retransmitting.
Page created on 01-24-08.