Biyomon (Digimon Plush), retail $TBA (
Manufactured by (Unknown)
Last updated 10-14-10

This (of course) is Biyomon.

This product does not emit light of its own, so the standard review format will not be used and the product will not be assigned a rating. This website is mostly about light-emitting products, but occasionally, you'll see non-light emitting products on it too if it's something I really like.

This is simple's a Biyomon (Digimon plush) {stuffed critter}.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was 45 and still liked Digimon -- but I like SpongeBob SquarePants and Viva Piņata as well.

Biyomon was a very well-liked digimon -- well, I like most digimon except for ones like Piedmon, Myotismon, and Arukenimon.
Biyomon's digidestined child is Sora Takenouchi; an early-teen girl. Her in-training form is Yokomon, her champion form is Birdramon, and her ultimate form is Garudamon.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

Although Biyomon is not very water-resistant, I don't yet know if she's machine washable and/or machine dryable or not.

No minimum age limit is shown on the labelling; however I would probably not give this product to children younger than 6 years of age -- there is a possibility that a younger child might pull something off or bite into something on her and subsequently choke on the batting (filler) material.

I've dreamt about digimon before; the following is but one example:

JUNE 30, 2001:
Cool! I finally had a Digimon dream.
For those who don't know, Digimon is a cartoon they show on FOX every weekday, and has to do with cute "digital monsters" and their human companions saving their worlds from various bad influences.

In this one, I was inside some kind of large building, possibly a theatre. The building had a large lower floor full of seats, and a much smaller balcony section up and toward the rear. Myotismon (a *very* bad digimon) was chasing me around, floating around the lower area and appearing in doorways, and Biyomon (a pink, bird-like Digimon) was shooting her Spiral Twister weapon (a spiral-shaped, green, flame-like weapon) at him. I don't remember much of anything else, but the fight was still going strong when I woke up.

Now that I've sat here and thought about it, I do remember Biyomon digivolving (evolving into a more powerful form) to Birdramon, complete with the cool fireworks effects they do on the TV show. :O And she was using her Meteor Wing weapon (where Birdramon opens her wings fully, and a torrent of fireball-like things shoots from the underside of the wings) against Myotismon.

Spectrographic analysis of fluorescence of this Biyomon plushie when irradiated with the Wicked Lasers Spyder 3 Arctic 445nm 1W Blue Diode Laser.

This is a video on YourTube showing Biyomon digivolving to Birdramon.

This clip is approximately 120.58853457644 megabytes (120,777,450 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than six hundred three (!!!) minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

This video will probably not be visible in the following locations:
France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, and the French Southern Territories.

Audio file (.WAV format) of the Digimon title (theme) song.

This file is 5,179675 megabytes (5,322,916 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than twenty six minutes to download at 48.0Kbps.

This Biyomon plush was purchased on Ebay in early-2004.

Product was manufactured in China.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

    PRODUCT TYPE: Plush toy
    No. OF LAMPS: N/A
    CASE MATERIAL: Soft plush material over some sort of batting
    BEZEL: N/A
    WARRANTY: Unknown/TBA


    Product was not intended to be a light-emitter or test instrument, so the traditional "star" rating will not be used.

Biyomon (Digimon Plush) *

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