Syma S107G Coaxial R/C Helicopter buzzing around (and possibly terrifying a kitty cat!) to the song, "Our House" by...o cummon, you've ***GOT*** to know this one by now considering that I'm a known metalhead...take a whack at it anyway...
If you guessed Exciter then ¡¡¡HUSOOS CRISTO EN UNA MULETA!!!
It's Madness, you silly goose!!!
If the music pisses you off, the audio may be ignored or even muted if desired.
This video is approximately 10.62256767295 megabytes (10,803,857 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than fifty three to load at 48.0Kbps.
Syma S107G Coaxial R/C Helicopter buzzing around (and possibly terrifying some kitty cats!) to the songs, "This Fire Burns" and "Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun" by...o cummon, you've ***GOT*** to know this one by now considering that I'm a known metalhead...take a whack at it anyway...
If you guessed Kraftwerk then ¡¡¡HUSOOS CRISTO EN UNA MULETA!!!
It's Killswitch Engage and Anthrax, you silly goose!!!
If the music pisses you off, the audio may be ignored or even muted if desired.
Video content is the same as
I added "***NSFYE!!***" *Not Safe For Your Ears) to the title because not everybody who comes to YouTube to watch R/C helis fly is a metalhead.
This video is approximately 19.52323945673 megabytes (19,773,713 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than ninety seven minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
Syma S107G Coaxial R/C Helicopter buzzing around (and possibly terrifying some kitty cats!) to the song, "Showroom Dummies" by...o cummon, you've ***GOT*** to know this one by now considering that I'm a known metalhead...take a whack at it anyway...
If you guessed Anthrax then ¡¡¡HUSOOS CRISTO EN UNA MULETA!!!
It's Kraftwerk, you silly goose!!!
If the music still pisses you off, the audio may be ignored or even muted.
This video is approximately 18.87774562923 megabytes (19,046,397 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than ninety four minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
Video of the Syma S107G Coax R/C Helicopter (the newest one with blue canopy & fuselage {tail fins}) flying around to the song "The Giant" know this one...take a whack at it anyway...
This heli is not sound-sensitive; the audio may be ignored or even muted if it pisses you off.
I added "***REALLY NSFYE!!!***" (Really Not Safe For Your Ears) to the title because not everybody who comes to YouTube to watch R/C helicopter vidz is a metalhead.
This video is approximately 12.34762557296 megabytes (12,420,011 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than sixty two minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
Video of the Syma S107G Coax R/C Helicopter (the newest one with blue canopy & fuselage {tail fins}) flying around to the song "Restless Child" know this one...take a whack at it...
This is the "Westwood perspiration" song from the album "Stay Hard" from 1987.
You can probably tell by the sheer number of videos that I just love the living tweedle out of this heli -- even more so than the Havok Heli that I got to function exceptionally well in January 2011!!! :-O
This heli is not sound-sensitive; the audio may be ignored or even muted if it pisses you off.
I added "***NSFYE!!!***" (Not Safe For Your Ears) to the title because not everybody who comes to YouTube to watch R/C helicopter vidz is a metalhead.
This video is approximately 8.18856776379 megabytes (8,374,499 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than forty one minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
Syma S107G R/C Coaxial Helicopter (Blue Canopy) *
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