Photoelectric LED Nightlight
Manufactured by AmeriTac ( with Feit Electric bulb (
Last updated 11-14-11

This is an automatic LED nightlight. It turns itself on at dusk, and off at dawn; using a CdS photocell on the front of the light.

It comes in a white case with a transparent prismatic diffuser, and it uses a candelabra-size screw-base LED bulb with three wide-angle white LEDs in it.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

To use the nightlight, remove it from its package, and, to steal a phrase from a commercial, "plug it in, plug it in!". Things just don't get any easier than this. Well, not ***NIGHTLIGHTS*** anyway.

The nightlight turns itself on automatically at dusk, and turns itself off automatically at dawn. An electric eye (CdS photocell) on the lower front of the nightlight takes care of this for you.

Since this product is designed to be operated from 110-120VAC, this section can be skipped.

This product appears at least decently sturdy. It is a NIGHTLIGHT for Christ sakes, not a regular flashlight. So I won't whap it repeatedly against a steel rod, try to drown it in the commode, let my mother's big dog's ghost, my sister's kitty cat, or "mikat" (my own kitty cat) piddle (uranate) on it, run over it with my electric wheelchair, or subject it to other punishments that real flashlights may be subject to.

The nightlight isn't very bright, but it was not meant to be super bright. You should be able to plug this in right at bedside and not have it disrupt your sleep. You can also plug it in toiletside (well, somewhere in the bathroom anyway), and see well enough to know when the seat is up or down, and to aim into the bowl and not at the floor.

It uses a CdS (cadmium sulfide) photocell; this allows it to automatically turn on at dusk, and turn off at dawn, with no intervention needed on your part.

I can't think of anything more to say about this product. It's a long-life automatic LED nightlight, so there really isn't much more to say about it.

Photograph of the unit (in operation) at ~12".

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this nightlight.

USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Test unit was found in the wash room (or "laundry room" if you prefer) on the morning of 11-11-11 (or "11 Nov. 2011" or even "11 Nov. Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).

Since it does not belong to me, that dreadful "" icon will be appended to its listings on this website at once, denoting the fact that I no longer have it for additional analyses or comparisons.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

Has LEDs that use a small percentage of the wattage used by ordinary incandescent nightlights
Photoelectric "day/night" switch makes this nightlight fully automatic

Cannot be used on DC circuits (but few PE {photoelectric} products can be used in this fashion anyway)
Light has a cool white color that some people may object to

    MANUFACTURER: AmeriTac (Feit Electric bulb)
    PRODUCT TYPE: Automatic nightlight
    LAMP TYPE: White LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 3
    SWITCH TYPE: None (CdS photocell takes care of that for you)
    CASE MATERIAL: Plastic
    BEZEL: Plastic; LED bulb protected by prismatic plastic "dome"
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Very light splatter-resistance at maximum
    ACCESSORIES: None that I'm aware of
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


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Photoelectric LED Nightlight *

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