Stained Glass Ladubug Lamp, retail approx. $35.00 (
Manufactured by (Unknown)
Last updated 03-23-14

This is a stained glass nightlight designed to look like a ladybird beetle (or, "ladybug" as many people call those things).

It uses a screw-base candelabra light bulb (usually a C4 nightlight bulb but can be as high a wattage as a C7½ Christmas bulb).

It features a line cord with an inbuilt rotary on/off switch, and the body of the lamp is composed of numerous stained glass panels with lead or leadlike metal solder holding them all together.


Photograph showing the lamp illuminated.

Ladybug lamp was purchased on the Seventh Avenue website in early-2012 to be given as a gift for my aunt Voni who left this mortal coil on 03-13-14.

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