Videos Made By the UDI U13A R/C Camera Helicopter (Pg. 10)
Last updated 12-30-14

Brief UDI U13A R/C Camera Heli flight 12-27-14.

Flight took place near my home along Ellinor Ave. in Shelton WA. USA on the morning of 12-27-14 (or, "2014 27 Dec." or even, "December 27, Twenty Stick-Pile-of-Crossed-Busted-Sticks if you prefer).

Weather conditions at flight time were cloudy with occasional light rain, temperature of 43°F (6.1°C), and winds generally calm with occasional gusts out of the SW gusting to 7mph (6.055kts, 11.270kph).

I taped a quarter, a nickel, and two pennies (a United States 25¢ coin, a United States 5¢ coin, and a United States 1¢ coin) to the front of the canopy in order to make it go forward and make it better able to fight minor headwinds.

This video is 41.5380432555 megabytes (41,615,360 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than two hundred seven minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

UDI U13A R/C Camera Heli flight 12-25-14.

This Christmas morning flight took place near my home near the intersection of Holman St. and Dearborn Ave. in Shelton WA. USA on the morning of 12-25-14 (or, "2014 25 Dec." or even, "December 25, Twenty Stick-Pile-of-Crossed-Busted-Sticks if you prefer).

Weather conditions at flight time were very light rain and dense fog with visibility less than 0.01 mile (0.016km) (IFR for real pilots, but VFR for low-altitude R/C pilots), temperature of 33°F (0.5°C), and winds calm.

I taped a quarter and a nickel (a United States 25¢ coin and a United States 5¢ coin) to the front of the canopy in order to make it go forward and make it better able to fight minor headwinds. This video is 236.1854804544 megabytes (236,322,816 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than one thousand one hundred eighty one minutes (!) to load at 48.0Kbps.
This video is ***NOT*** dial-up friendly!!!

I cannot provide these videos in other formats, so please do not ask.

Videos Made With the UDI U13A R/C Camera Helicopter *

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