Toollogic T1 Series Tech Light, retail $10.95 (
Manufactured by Toollogic (
Last updated 05-14-04

The Toologic T1 Series Tech Light is a small white LED flashlight that includes two screwdrivers and a ballpoint pen, allowing you to use it for more than just lighting up keyholes or illuminating theatre programs. The LED is powered by a pair of CR1216 lithium coin cells, which you can replace yourself when they become pooped out.

The Tech Light has a screwdriver on its side with a small standard blade on one end, and a small phillips head on the other.
On the other side of the Tech Light is a ballpoint pen, in case you lose or leave at home your usual ballpoint pen. So if you go somewhere with a Tech Light on you and you need a pen, you won't be caught with your pants down.


The Tech Light is ready to use right away, as soon as you remove it from the metal gift tin it comes in.

To use the flashlight, firmly press and then release the button on the top of the unit, near the front. The white LED should now come on. To turn the LED off, press and release the button the same way again. The switch emits a very audible clicking sound when used, so there's no mistake when the light is turned on or off.

To use the screwdrivers, hold your Tech Light right-side up and orient it so the LED is facing forward. The screwdriver handle should now be on the right hand side of your Tech Light. Pull it straight out (to the right when the unit is held in this manner) and it should easily come out. Use the screwdriver as you need, and then replace it in the light body by placing it against the right hand side of the light body, and pressing it in until it snaps into place.

There is an opening near the keyring hole in the light body; this is to insert the screwdriver body into to allow you some additional torque on the screwdriver if the screw you're removing is a bit on the stubborn side.

To use the ballpoint pen, follow the above steps, except that the pen is on the left hand side of the Tech Light's body. Grasp the pen body with your left hand and slide it forward (toward the LED) until it comes out of the light body. Use the pen as you see fit. Replace it by once again holding the light right side up and with the LED facing forward, aligning the flat portion of the pen's body with the flat portion of the light's body, and sliding it back downward (toward you) into the light until it "snaps" into place.

To change the batteries in your Tech Light, turn the light upside down, and use a #0 phillips screwdriver (the one that comes with the Tech Light works for this) to remove the three screws. Set them aside where you won't lose them. Remove the metal pocket clip by sliding it straight out the front of the unit. Remove the battery door by lifting it straight off, and throw it away...O WAIT, YOU'LL NEED THAT! So just set it aside instead. ;-) Remove the two cells from the battery holder, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit. Insert two new CR1216 coin cells in the battery holder, flat side (+) positive facing up. Be sure both of the cells go under the metal contact in the battery holder. Place the battery door back on, insert the metal pocket clip if desired (insert it through the front of the light), and then replace the three screws you took out earlier.

Looks like I somehow managed to strip or break one of the screw holes already, and I did not abuse it in any fashion, such as by overtightening, crossthreading, etc.
The screw holes are plastic, so you'll want to be at least reasonably careful here.
That's two lights that were broken or defective I've gotten this week. :-(

The photograph above shows the Tech Light with its screwdriver and ballpoint pen accessories removed and placed alongside it.

The Tech Light seems at least reasonably durable; having one on your keychain should not be enough to do it in. I don't believe it is waterproof or submersible though, so please try to keep it from falling into water. If it does get douched, take it apart (as you would for a battery change), remove the pen & screwdriver, and set the parts in a warm, dry place for a day or so to be sure it's dry when you reassemble it. If it fell into seawater or if something peed on it, rinse the parts in fresh water before setting them out to dry.

More later...let me just FTP this page up for the time being...

Beam photo at ~12".
Measures 4,360mcd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

While this isn't as bright as it could be, it's isn't bad for the size
of battery used and their use of what I believe is a non-Nichia LED.

The light has a cool, icy bluish-white hotspot and a white corona.

Test sample was sent by D.K. of along with five other lights, and was received on 05-10-04.

UPDATE: 00-00-00



    MANUFACTURER: Toollogic
    PRODUCT TYPE: Small flashlight/screwdriver set
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm white LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Narrow flood; central hotspot with dim corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton on/off on top of case
    BEZEL: LED mostly recessed into light body
    BATTERY: 2 CR1216 lithium coin cells
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    WATER RESISTANT: Yes, weather-resistant
    ACCESSORIES: Batteries, gift tin
    SIZE: 2"L x 1 1/8"W x 1/8"D
    WEIGHT: 0.3oz
    WARRANTY: 3 years


    Star Rating

Toollogic Tech Light *

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at

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ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
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GREEN 525nm InGaN 
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YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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