Small Solar-Rechargeable Garden Globe, retail $12.50 (
Manufactured by (Unknown), for Symmetry Co. (
Last updated 09-03-06

The small Solar-Rechargeable Garden Globe is a white translucent plastic globe with one LED and a solar array visible at the bottom. During the day, the solar array charges a pair of built-in batteries, which operates the LED at night. This LED appears to have a wide viewing angle, so the entire globe is lighted evenly.

The globe is lighted remarkably evenly, with no rings, blotches, dark spots, or other little evil things on it that might piss you off.

You can hang these globes on the side of a house with hardware that comes with them, throw them in the garden (well, don't actually throw them, but you get the idea), or throw them in the water (the instructional material specifies lakes and rivers, but swimming pools, fountains, and koi ponds would be appropriate too).


The light needs to be charged before its first use. Eight hours in sunlight ought to do the job. The instructional material does advise three full sunny days, but I think one sunny day will do the trick here.

Unsnap the globe and flick the small slide switch near the LED and solar cell to the "on" position, then snap the globe back together. In this state, the LED will come on at dusk and go out at dawn, all by itself, without additional intervention on your part. Be sure you mount the globe where it will receive at least eight hours of sunlight a day, so you don't end up with dead, uncharged batteries when you need the light the most.

Here's a photograph of the globe, showing the solar array, on/off switch, and LED.

If you wish to store the units, be sure to unsnap the globe and turn the slide switch off, then snap the globe back together. Do this with every unit you're storing. This will prevent the LED from activating when the unit is placed in a box or a dark closet.
It is advised to NOT put these in a box or a dark place; this supposedly prevents damage to the batteries over the long term. But if you have to, the above steps should help minimise damage.

This product is solar rechargeable, and the user does not have to buy batteries for it, so this section will be largely skipped.

Just ensure the solar panel is exposed to sunlight for about eight hours a day, and the LEDs will light for up to eight hours at night.

If or when the batteries eventually need replacing, unsnap the globe, and set it aside. Unscrew the two phillips screws from the edges of the solar cell array, and set those aside too. Swing the solar array down, and you'll see two AAA NiMH cells. Remove the cells, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit. Install new rechargeable cells of the same size as the original. Swing the solar array back up, and screw in those two screws you removed earlier. Finally, snap the globe back together.

Here's a photograph showing the solar array swung down, and the two NiMH cells visible under where it normally sits.

These light globes seem reasonably sturdy, but they're NOT indestructible. Since they're meant to be placed somewhere and then not screwed with, I won't throw it, try to drown it in the john, kick it, smack it against a steel rod, sit on it, or otherwise abuse it like I might abuse a regular flashlight for the sake of this website. So this section of the web page will seem more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

Be sure to mount this product in a SUNNY location - a location that receives no less than eight hours of direct sunlight a day. On cloudy or overcast days, the life of the light at night may be shorter; the next sunny day will charge it fully. You should also clean the translucent ball regularly.

Once you turn it on via the slide switch under the globe, it is automatic. That is, the LED turns off at dawn, and turns on at dusk. The solar panel itself appears to act like the photo switch. This is what tells the difference between dark and light, and its associated circuit switches the LED on and off as needed.

Picture of the globe, illuminated, floating in a sink full of water.
No, it's not floating in a toilet. So please, no email about that.
Photograph makes it look brighter than it really is.

If you really want to see it floating in a toilet bowl, just email me and I can have that arranged.

Here's a red one I received on 09-01-06.

Test unit was purchased on Ebay on 07-31-04, and was received on the afternoon of 08-05-04.
The ebay listing I bought it from is right here, but will expire around 11-05-04.
Use the Sellers Other Items link to see if he's offering any more of these lights.
This seller also has an Ebay store if you do not see the product in his auction listings.

These solar-rechargeable globe lights come in five LED colors: white, blue, green, yellow, and red.

UPDATE: 10-30-04
Since a few have asked, I finally did it. Here is a photograph of the globe floating in a toilet bowl.

Never have to buy disposable batteries for it
Water-resistant - specifically designed to float on water
Recharges itself - no cords or cradles needed
Automatic day/night switching - no switches to fuss with or remember

Not all that bright

    MANUFACTURER: Unknown, for Symmetry Co.
    PRODUCT TYPE: LED garden/decorative light
    LAMP TYPE: 3mm LED, color varies with what you order
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    SWITCH TYPE: Slide switch on/off under globe
    BEZEL: LED protected by plastic globe
    BATTERY: NiMH AAA, 600mAh
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unable to measure
    SUBMERSIBLE: Unknown (probably not)
    ACCESSORIES: Screws, drywall inserts, ground spike, wall-mounting device, head connector, stake connector
    SIZE: ~4.5" diameter, 5.5" tall
    WARRANTY: 1 year


    Star Rating

Solar-rechargeable LED garden light *

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WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
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