"Stick of Gum" Laser Pointer, retail $6.38 (£4.00)* (www.blueskymarketing.co.uk...)
Manufactured by (Unknown) for (www.laserpointers.co.uk)
Last updated 12-09-12
* IMPORTANT: Pricing is accurate as of 08-05-10. Please visit the Currency Calculator for the latest currency conversion rates from British pounds to US dollars.

The "Stick of Gum" laser pointer is a small, thin laser pointer that has approximately the same dimensions as a stick of chewing gum (such as Wrigley's Juicy Fruit or Doublemint) here in the United States.
It operates from a single CR2025 lithium coin cell, produces a red beam, and has a rated output of less than 1mW, making it a CDRH Class II laser device, legal for citizens of the UK and Europe to use in public.
The emitted wavelength appears to be 650-660nm (later measured spectroscopically at 648nm), in the red portion of the spectrum.

The Stick of Gum laser pointer comes ready to use right away.
Remove it from its carrying pouch, point the front end at whatever you wish to point out, and hold the button at the top front of its body down for as long as you need the laser spot. Release the button to turn the laser pointer off.
Yes, it really is that easy.
This button has a tactile "click" sensation to it. This click may also be audible to the user in a quiet location.

To change the battery in your Stick of Gum laser pointer, turn the laser upside-down, and look for the slot at one end.
Using a standard screwdriver or a butterknife, place the business-end of that instrument into the slot, and carefully pry the door open until it's up far enough for you to grasp with your fingers. Lift the door off, and set it aside.
Remove the used battery, and dispose of or recycle it as you see fit.
Use one hand to hold the springy metal leaf in the battery compartment up approximately 0.10" (or the approximate thickness of a CR2025 cell) from the floor of the battery compartment, and use the other hand to insert a new CR2025 lithium coin cell in the battery compartment, button-end (-) negative facing down.
Once the battery is in there, reinstall the battery door by being sure to align the two notches in one end of the door with the two tits on the laser pointer body, insert the notched end into the laser pointer body, and then swing the door down and press on it firmly but gently until it fits flush with the rest of the laser pointer body.
This procedure sounds significantly harder to do in print than it is to actually do it.
Due to the way the Stick of Gum laser pointer is constructed, I am unable to measure its current consumption.

This is a laser pointer, not a flashlight. So I won't whack it against a steel rod, run over it, try to drown it in the loo ("toilet", "toilet stool", "john", "can", or "commode" for US viewers), throw it, stomp on it, or subject it to other abuses that a flashlight might have to endure. So this section of the web page will be more bare than this section of the page on a page about a flashlight.
This laser pointer is CDRH Class II for European and UK users.
I haven't used a CDRH Class II laser since the early 1980s, so I really wasn't prepared for the intensity level of this unit. It's still plenty bright enough to use for presentations in most locations, but not as bright as most laser pointers sold in the United States.
It's real saving grace is that "stick of gum" size and shape. It's small and thin enough to fit in most wallets, pockets, pocketbooks, and folders. So you'll be more likely to have it handy when you need to use it.

Photograph of the beam spot on the test target at ~12".
Beam is not white in the center like this photograph makes it appear.

Photograph of the beam spot on a popcorn ceiling at approximately 10'.
Beam is not whitish-pink in the center like this photograph makes it appear.
Spectrographic analysis of this laser, just above lasing threshold.
Power output measured 216.7µW (~0.21mW) at this time.
This is *WELL* within CDRH Class II guidelines.
Same as above; different spectrometer & software used.
Spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 645nm and 665nm to pinpoint wavelength.
Same as above; newest (03-25-12) spectrometer software settings used. Just above at lasing threshold.
Same as above; newest (03-25-12) spectrometer software settings used. Just above lasing threshold. Spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 647nm and 652nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 649.888nm.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.
Sample of the "Stick of Gum" laser pointer was provided by Paul of Bluesky Marketing, and was received on 09-16-04.
The main website for Paul's laser pointers is www.megagreen.co.uk.
VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: Paul was given explicit written permission to use in any manner he sees fit any of the photographs on this and other web pages on this website that contain his products. So please do not be alarmed if you see any of my photographs on any of his websites.
UPDATE: 11-16-07
I went to perform spectroscopy (pronounced "
") on this laser, and it no longer reaches lasing threshold - despite the cell (battery) having been changed with known-new ones three times. As a result of this failure (and because the manufacturer is not known and therefore, warranty or any other service is not available), the unit will be significantly derated on this website.
UPDATE: 11-18-07
I was able to perform spectroscopy on the unit; it was operating just above lasing threshold when the test was performed.
UPDATE: 02-06-08
Laser power measured 0.431mW on a laser power meter specifically designed for this purpose.
This is well within CDRH Class II limitations; a Class II laser cannot emit anything over 0.999mW where the laser radiation could reach the eye.
Small, gum-like size and shape
Comes with carrying case
Switch has a tactile "click" sensation
The price is right
Product not labelled for laser classification (CDRH Class II)
Uses battery that could be expensive and/or difficult to find
Not water-resistant - but most laser pointers aren't. Will not figure into my rating
Manufacturer not known, so warranty coverage, if required, might be difficult to obtain
PRODUCT TYPE: Red diode laser pointer
LAMP TYPE: Laser diode
BEAM TYPE: Very narrow; it's a laser, remember? ;-)
SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton momentary on/off on top of case
BEZEL: Plastic; an aperture (hole) is in it to allow laser beam to emerge
BATTERY: 1xCR2025 lithium coin cell
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
WATER- AND PEE-RESISTANT: No (*very* light sprinkle-resistance at maximum)
ACCESSORIES: CR2025 cell, carrying case
SIZE: 89.50mm L x 21.50mm W x 4mm D
WEIGHT: 10.40g (0.370 oz) incl. battery
COUNTRY OF MANUFACTURE: Unknown/not stated
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated
"Stick of Gum" Laser Pointer * www.blueskymarketing.co.uk...
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