Nerdnik MOD-5 LED Retrofit for Mini Mag, retail $15.00* (
Manufactured by Nerdnik (
Last updated 09-22-04

* NOTE: Price is for the module only. Does not include the Mini Mag, belt holster, or batteries.

The Nerdnik MOD-5 (hereinafter just called the MOD-5) is a drop-in LED replacement for the incandescent bulb in your Mini Mag flashlight. It features five white LEDs, and a bipin-style connection on its bottom so you can directly replace the incandescent bulb with it with no drills or other tools necessary.

It fits in the flashlight easily, and provides you with a white light that won't blow up when you drop the flashlight, plus it's much easier on the batteries than the incandescent bulb is.


The MOD-5 comes with an instruction sheet telling you exactly how to install the module in your Mini Mag. In case you lost, disposed of, or flushed away this sheet, here are the instructions for you:
  1. Unscrew and remove the head of the flashlight.
  2. Unscrew and remove the lens cap from the head. Leave the lens in there.
  3. Remove the reflector from the head.
  4. Remove the light bulb from the flashlight body. Pull it straight out.
  5. Leaving the lens cap off, screw the head back onto the flashlight. Be sure to screw it all the way down but be careful not to overtighten it.
  6. Hold the MOD-5 unit by the LEDs (be careful not to squeeze too hard) and plug the MOD-5's leads into the socket where the former bulb was held.
  7. Light should turn on at this point. If it doesn't, gently remove the MOD-5 unit straight from the socket, turn it 180 degrees, and reinsert it.
  8. Hold the flashlight so you're looking at it from the side and unscrew the head until the tips of the LEDs are level with the rim of the head (threaded area).
  9. Holding the flashlight upside-down, screw the lens cap back on. (Holding it upside-down prevents the lens from falling out of the lens cap).
  10. Screw the head down clockwise (as if tightening it) until the flashlight turns off.
To use your newly modified Mini Mag, unscrew the bezel until the light comes on to turn it on, and screw it in until the light goes out to turn it off.

There is no focus (beam width adjustment) with this module in place; please do not look for or expect to find one.

There's a rather emphatic warning not to unscrew the head more than is necessary to turn it on, and for heaven sakes, please don't unscrew the head so far that the seal (black O-ring) becomes exposed. You might damage the LED module's leads if you do.

Change the batteries like you always did in the Mini Mag.

Unscrew and remove the tailcap, and set it aside. Tip the two used AA cells out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.

Insert two new AA cells into the barrel, button-end (+) positive first, and screw the tailcap back on.
There, that was easy, wasn't it?

Measures 61mA on my DMM's 2A scale, using the two Duracell alkaline cells that came with it.
Measures 108mA on Energizer L91 lithium AA cells.

Photograph of the business-end of the modified Mini Mag, showing the five LEDs.

The MOD-5-equipped Mini Mag appears to be a durable instrument. I cannot perform the smack test right now, because the table hosting that rod is currently hosting a test on another product in progress. Smacking the flashlight now would very likely queer the test, so I'll have to wait.

(Edit 09-22-04): I did that smack test. Ten whacks against a 30" steel rod (five against the tailcap, and five against the bezel), and no damage was detected, and no electrical or optical malfunctions were detected.

The modified flashlight is weather- and splash-resistant at very minimum. When the tailcap was removed, the flashlight was relieved of its batteries, and that dreadful suction test was performed, no air leakage was detected from the bezel. The tailcap is protected by an O-ring too, so it shouldn't leak there. Not very readily anyway. So you should not be concerned about using it in rain or snow; and shallow-water landings shouldn't kill it either.
O wait, when the flashlight was turned on (head unscrewed approximately 1/4 of a turn), some air leakage was detected. So while I think you'll still be alright when using it in bad weather, please try to fish it out of the water QUICKLY if it falls in while on.

The MOD-5 I was supplied with has one LED that goes out and comes back on unexpectedly. I don't know if this is a bad solder joint or a problem with the LED itself, so please do not ask.

Nerdnik does not offer an "official" warranty, but he does stand by his work, and he has provided the following text:

These are hand made custom mods. All units are tested to be functioning properly before they are shipped. However, as with any hand manufactured item, human error can occur. If your unit malfunctions or fails for any other reason other than abuse,improper installation, or failure to follow operating instructions please feel free to mail the unit back to us and we will repair or replace it free of charge. It is solely up to our discretion to determine whether the unit has been abused. The customer is responsible for all Shipping and handling charges. Also we do not Warranty any of the original Mini Maglite parts in any way shape or form. We are in no way affiliated with Mag Instruments, nor is this modification endorsed by Mag Instruments. Modifying the operation of your Maglite will void the manufacturer's warranty.

Beam photo at ~12".
24,700mcd (with Duracell alkalines)
51,000mcd (with Energizer lithiums)

Both measurements were taken on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

Entire MOD-5 unit (MOD-5 drop-in module, Mini Mag, and Duracell alkaline batteries) was sent to me on 09-17-04, and was received on the afternoon of 09-21-04.

UPDATE: 00-00-00



    MANUFACTURER: (Homemade by) Nerdnik
    PRODUCT TYPE: Drop-in retrofit for Mini Mag
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm white LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 5
    BEAM TYPE: Narrow flood with dimmer corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Twist bezel on/off
    BEZEL: Metal; LEDs protected by plastic window
    BATTERY: 2xAA cells
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 61mA (alkaline cells), 108mA (lithium cells)
    WATER RESISTANT: Modified flashlight is weather- and splash-resistant at very minimum
    WARRANTY: See text above beam photograph


    Star Rating

Nerdnik LED Retrofit for Mini Mag *

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at

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ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
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YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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