Night Pearl Bulb, retail $4.50 (Sino Union Tech. Co.)
Manufactured by Sino Union Technology Co
Last updated: 02-07-02
The Night Pearl is a new kind of white LED replacement bulb. The main differences between this and other white LED replacement bulbs is that
it comes in versions that work in 1 cell and 2 cell flashlights!!
The newer versions are also made in such a way that they can be used with reflectorized flashlights, and work best in focusable models
like the popular Mag-Lite line.
Remove the old lamp from your existing flashlight, and pop the Night Pearl in. Nothing could be easier.
Battery life will depend on the type and number of cells your light uses.
The bulb itself will draw approximately 200mA for the single-cell version, and 100mA for the two-cell version.
This is anywhere from 3 to 10 times less power than incandescent flashlight lamps!
The Night Pearl fits in your flashlight like an ordinary PR flange base flashlight lamp.
A miniature inverter in the base boosts the battery voltage to a level needed by its white LED.
The LED has been custom made so it can work with the reflector of whatever flashlight you put it in.
Although it will work fine in a prefocus light, it was really meant to go in a Mag-Lite or other adjustable focus flashlight.
As you can see by the picture, the beam is fairly organized in all of the lights.
Ideally, this light would work best in a 2-cell Mag, but I don' t have one to test.
UPDATE 09-22-01:
Bulb is being tested in a number of flashlights. Accurate results really can't be given though until I find a 2-cell (C or D) Mag Lite.
UPDATE 02-07-02:
The Night Pearl bulb is now available in single quantities from the following:
Sinotone International Limited
90 South Spruce Ave. Suite E
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
Tel: (650) 583-8306 Fax: (650) 583-8326
Contact: Mr. Zeng John
Email Address:
First time white LED bulbs could be used in 2-cell and even 1-cell flashlights.
Brighter than expected. Potential for very long life.
Very easy to destroy if you put it in the wrong light.
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?
Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of
real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at
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