Wicked Extreme II 50-60mW Green Laser Module, retail $389 (www.wickedlasers.com)
Manufactured by unknown, modified by Wicked Lasers (www.wickedlasers.com)
Last updated 11-28-12

(In reference to the envelope I received from Wicked Lasers around 2:00pm PST on 12-09-04):
{sung like the Foreigner song "Feels Like the First Time"}
Feels like a flaaaaaash-liiiight...feels like a FL
BREAK IN 49152
Let's try that again...as soon as I saw the address on the package, I *knew* it wasn't a flashlight...
Feels like a laaaaaa-sssser...feels like a LAAAAA-aaaaa-ssser!!!
Feels like a laaaaaa-sssser...feels like a LAAAAA-aaaaa-ssser!!!
This is a green DPSS (diode pumped solid state) Leadlight brand portable laser that's been modified from 5mW to 50-60mW. It comes in a handsome black aluminum presentation case, and includes the two AAA cells it feeds from.

If necessary, feed the portable laser the included batteries (see below), and then you'll be ready to rock. Mine came with the batteries already installed; but that doesn't mean yours will too. It might, but no guarantees here.
To use the portable laser, just aim it at something you wish to point out, and press & hold down the button on the barrel for as long as you need the laser spot. Release the button to turn the portable laser back off. Yes, it really is as easy as that.
The portable laser comes with a pocket clip, already attached. You know what it's for.
If not, slip the portable laser into a shirt or pants pocket, and slide the clip over the outside of the fabric of the pocket when the module is being inserted into the pocket.
The portable laser also comes with a hinge-lidded aluminum presentation case with foam cutouts for the module and a set of batteries. You may store the module in this case if desired.

To change the batteries in your Wicked Lasers green portable laser, unscrew and remove the tailcap, throw it in the {vulgar term for feces}bowl, yank that silver handle on the cistern down, and flush it away...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead.
Tip the two used AAA cells out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of, recycle, or recharge them as you see fit.
Insert two new AAA cells into the barrel, flat-end (-) negative first. This is the opposite of how batteries are installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity here.
Screw the tailcap back on, and be done with it.
Aren't you glad you didn't flush away that tailcap now?
Current usage measures 313mA on the included Energizer Titanium E2 cells.

This is a portable laser, not a flashlight. So I won't throw it against the wall, stomp on it, try to drown it in the toilet bowl, run over it, swing it against a steel rod, or inflict upon it punishments that flashlights may have inflicted upon them. So this section of the laser's page will seem a bit more bare than this section of the page on a page about a flashlight.
Green diode lasers are a lot different than those common red lasers you see all the time.
In a 640nm red portable laser, there's a red-emitting diode and a lens to collimate (focus) the beam.
In a 532nm green laser (module or larger size), there's a BIG infrared laser diode that generates laser light at 808nm, this is fired into a crystal containing the rare-earth element "neodymium". This crystal takes the 808nm infrared light and lases at 1064nm (yes, deeper in the infrared!). This 1064nm laser light comes out of the NdYV04 (neodymium yttrium vanadium oxide) crystal and is then shot into a second crystal (containing potassium, titanium, & phosphorus, usually called KTP) that doubles the frequency to 532nm - the bright green color you see. This light is then collimated (focused) by a lens and emerges out the laser's "business end". Just before the lens, there's a filter that removes any stray IR (infrared) rays from the pump diode and the neodymium crystal. You don't want that stuff in your green beam, trust me. :-)
This is why green diode lasers are so much more expensive than red ones. Lots of itty bitty parts, and they all need to be aligned by hand. If the polarisation is "off", one or both crystals need to be turned. With red diode lasers, you just slap in the diode and slap a lens in front of it.
VERY IMPORTANT!!! This laser was originally designed, and is labelled to, output less than 5mW.
Output power was increased to well over 50mW by Wicked Lasers. This is NOT a toy, and you MUST NOT shine it into your eyes, other people's eyes, pets' eyes, for that matter, the eyes of any person or animal you encounter.
Eye damage can occur faster than the blink reflex can protect them, regardless of what species' eyes you irradiate with this laser. So just don't do it.
This is a CDRH Class IIIB laser device. Treat it with respect, and it'll treat you with respect.
This laser is not water-resistant, so please be extra careful when using it around sinks, tubs, toilets, fishtanks, pet water bowls, or other places where water or water-like liquids might be found. And you'll probably want to cover it up or otherwise get rid of it (such as by putting it in a pocket or bag) if you need to carry it in rainy or snowy weather.
Since this is a high powered portable laser, I would recommend a duty cycle of no longer than 50%. That is, one minute on, and at least one minute off to allow the "guts" inside to cool down. This is not stated anywhere on the packaging or on the website, but is my own recommendation.
With a positive (magnifying) lens placed in front of it, this laser will cause smoke to issue from black electrical tape, although no hole is burnt clear through it. Without the lens, there is no smoke. At least not in the 10 or so seconds I exposed the tape to the laser radiation from almost point-blank range.
Power output tops out at 80mW as measured on a LaserBee 2.5W USB Laser Power Meter w/Thermopile.

Beam photo at ~12".
Beam is not white like this photograph makes it appear.
Beam is also a lot smaller than it appears; the
beam image bloomed significantly when photographed.

Beam photo at ~15'.
Beam is not white like this photograph makes it appear.
Beam is significantly smaller than it appears;
the beam image also bloomed when photographed.
That red star thing is from an American DJ Laser Widow.
I do not have an outdoor laser testing facility at my new location,
so I will not be able to provide any distance photographs.
Spectrographic analysis of this laser.
Spectrographic analysis of this laser; spectrometer's response narrowed in an attempt to capture the NIR radiation from the pump diode.
As you can see, there is none -- this indicates that the IR filter in this laser is functioning extremely well!!!
Spectrographic analysis of this laser; newest (03-25-12) spectrometer software settings used.
Spectrographic analysis of this laser; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 528nm to 536nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 532.488nm.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.
Test unit was sent by C.T. of www.wickedlasers.com and was received on 12-09-04.
Unit's package is labelled to emit 54mW; this will be verified with my own instruments when time permits.
* Legal Notice: * This green portable laser and others like it are designated solely as OEM components for incorporation into the customer's end products. Therefore, they do not comply with the appropriate requirements of FDA 21CFR, section 1040.10 and 1040.11 for complete laser products. The customer is responsible for compliance with FDA requirements.
I got a reading of 51.48mW using my unbelievably crude TDC Mark VII Laser Power Metering Apparatus, consisting of a solar cell, a DMM (with the solar cell connected and the meter set to read milliamps), and a mathematical formula that translates the meter reading to milliwatts of output power. The mathematical formula I used was:
(current in milliamps as shown on meter)*1239.7/532/0.97
UPDATE: 02-03-05
This laser will burn a hole through a thin black plastic grocery bag like the type I obtained at the Food Mart north of downtown Seattle. This shows you only need 50mW or even a bit less to burn through a bag.
UPDATE: 11-26-05
I measured a power output of 48.06mW on a laser meter specifically designed for that purpose, and using the same set of batteries that were included with the product. I do not have any known-new AAA cells at my disposal; I'll remeasure with new cells when I obtain some.
Very bright green laser beam.
More powerful than most other "pointer"-style lasers.
Nice looking shiny chrome-plated case.
Feels good in the hand; is also rather hefty.
Lower current draw per mW output than other high-powered green portable lasers I've evaluated.
No beam artifacts - none that I've been able to detect anyway.
Uses batteries that are relatively inexpensive and readily available.
Not waterproof or submersible - but most modules aren't. Will not figure into my rating.
Consumes a lot of power, so you'll be going through batteries if you use it a lot.
Can't use it in public without a variance.
More delicate than directly-injected diode portable lasers.
MANUFACTURER: Leadlight; modified by Wicked Lasers
PRODUCT TYPE: Pen style portable laser
LAMP TYPE: DPSS diode laser/NdYVO4/KTP crystals
BEAM TYPE: Very narrow; it's a laser, remember? ;-)
SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton momentary on/off on barrel
BEZEL: Metal; has aperture (hole) for laser beam to emerge
BATTERY: 2x AAA cells
ACCESSORIES: Presentation case, two Energizer E2 AAA cells
SIZE: 144mm L x 13mm Dia.
WEIGHT: 70.90g (2.50 oz.)
WARRANTY: 90 days
Wicked Extreme II 50-60mW Green Laser Module * www.wickedlasers.com
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?
Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of
real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at ledmuseum@gmail.com.
Please visit this web page for contact information.
Unsolicited flashlights appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.
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