InReTECH WORKLED, retail $170 to $400
Manufactured by InReTECH
Last updated 03-06-06

The WORKLED is the newest creation from InReTECH, known by some of you as a maker of super bright LED flashlight adapters. It comes in a sturdy metal and plastic case, like the kind you find halogen work lights in. Except that instead of a hot halogen bulb, the WORKLED is outfitted with 180 screaming bright white LEDs that won't blow out or set something on fire when you knock the unit over or if it lands facefirst on something flammable. You can also get a WORKLED outfitted with 180 400nm near-UV LEDs if you wish.

It has what I believe is a glass window to protect the LEDs and resistors.

My sample came with a generous 12 foot power cord, terminated in bare wires. The WORKLED you get will be terminated with Anderson Power Pole connectors. You can cut these off if you require bare wires. There are also options for battery clamps, a male cigarette lighter plug, or an external power supply unit.

 SIZE (compared with a 12" ruler)

The WORKLED comes to you ready to use right away. Connect its power wires to any source of 12 volts DC that can supply at least 1.5 amps (red wire is positive, black wire is negative), and it'll immediately spring to life.

You can set the WORKLED on the ground or any other flat surface, and adjust the illuminator head upwards if needed by loosening the setscrew (large finger grips already attached to it) below the head, tilting the head up or down as needed, and tightening the screw back up with your fingers when you have the head pointed where you want.

The WORKLED can also be tripod-mounted, but your tripod must be equipped with a large "U" adapter first. I've seen a picture of a WORKLED affixed to a tripod using this fixture, but neither of the two tripods I have ready access to have this fixture, so I cannot affix the WORKLED to them.

Since this product does not use internal batteries, this section can and will be skipped.

The above picture shows the 180 LEDs in the WORKLED's business end.

The WORKLED appears to be quite sturdy and durable. It comes in a metal and plastic fixture that you might ordinarily find a halogen work light in, except that instead of a hot halogen bulb and reflector, you'll find a board with LEDs and resistors on it in there. The LED board is fastened inside the unit with a black epoxy compound, so it can't come loose in casual handling.

There is what I believe is a glass window on the front of the WORKLED, protecting the LEDs and resistors from prying hands and prying screwdrivers. The glass window is user-replaceable if you somehow manage to break it. To replace the window, unscrew the captive screw at the top of the illuminator head, swing the frame out on its hinges (on the opposite side of the screw), remove the two clips (one on each side), and lay in the new window. Replace the two clips, swing the frame down, and tighten the screw.
Be sure to remove and dispose of any broken glass from the fixture and/or frame while you still have the frame open.

After an hour or hour and a half of constant-on, I measured a peak temperature of 112°F (44.4°C) near the top edge of the glass window. While this might seem warm, it is very, very cool when compared with halogen work lights, and you won't burn yourself even if you contact the fixture while it's on.
An hour or so later, I measured 111°F (43.8°C) on the fixture, with an ambient temperature (near the floor where the fixture is) of 68°F (20°C). So I think it's safe to say the fixture won't reach "hot" or "burning" temperatures at all, regardless of how long it's used.

The next day, I measured it again after about 2 hours constant-on. I measured a maximum temperature of 113°F (45°C) with an ambient temperature of 67°F (19.4°C). After 6 1/2 hours of constant-on, I measured a high of 112°F (44.4°C) at the upper right corner of the glass window with an ambient temperature of 67°F (19.4°C).
After 8 1/2 hours, it measures 104°F (40°C) with an ambient temperature of 67°F (19.4°C).
All temperature measurements were taken with a non-contact IR thermometer.

If for whatever reason you wish to remove the handle, follow it to the underside of the head. You'll see it fits into a black tube under the illuminator head, and affixed with a phillips screw & washer located about 3/4 of an inch in. Remove the screw & washer, and slide the handle out. Screw the screw & washer back into the hole in the handle so you don't lose or misplace them.
To replace the handle, simply reverse these steps. It isn't hard to do, if that's what you're worried about. :-)

After the WORKLED had been running for about three hours (just to be sure it would be good and warm), I gave it a swift little kick in its behind. It quickly shot forward and went face-down on a hard linoleum floor with a loud, satisfying "clink!" sound, and kept right on going. I expected nothing less, so no surprises there...except that loud clink sound.

Beam photo at ~6 feet.
Measures 514,000mcd with a Meterman LM631 light meter.

Sample was received at 11:59am on 02-20-04.

Unit is currently being used on an Energy One XP-4 power supply. This limits its input current to 930mA at 11.18 volts DC, because this power supply doesn't have the {vulgar term for testicles} to provide more than that. I'll have to find a switch-mode PSU to drive the WORKLED closer to its design parameters of 1.4 amps at 12 volts DC before I can get an accurate light measurement for this page.

List price for the white is $170, list price for the 400nm NUV is $400.

UPDATE: 02-21-04
I received a color list from InReTECH this morning showing the colors you can have your WORKLED in:

400nm NUV
470nm Blue
495nm Green
660nm Red (lp)
660nm Red
850nm IR
880nm IR
940nm IR

The (lp) is a LOW-power red (dark room safelight)

UPDATE: 03-02-04
I received the handle today, affixed it to the WORKLED, and re-shot the two photographs at the top of this page to show the unit with its handle, as it ought to when you receive one.
I also received a 12VDC 3.5 amp switching power supply for it, so I can take a light measurement and put it up on this page.
The power supply I received may or may not be the one you receive if you order one with your WORKLED. Mike just wanted to be absolutely, positively, 100% certain that I received something known to work with this lamp. The power supply you'll receive if you order one with this fixture will absolutely, positively, 100% work fine with it, but it could be different from the power supply I got.

UPDATE: 03-12-04
The 400nm NUV WORKLED can be used for the following:

) Bars/Nightclubs
) Outdoors with battery pack
:: Invisible inks
:: Mineral detection
) Leak detection - a lot of expense fluids have FL tracers in them

This version of the WORKLED costs $400, because the LEDs in it cost considerably more than LEDs in all the other visible colors.

UPDATE: 03-31-04
I need to return this sample (actually, I have to pass it along to another person who wants to evaluate it) by Wednesday 04-07-04, possibly as early as Monday 04-05-04; so I won't have it too much longer. If you need comparative analyses done between the WORKLED and another light I have, now's the time to ask for them.

UPDATE: 04-04-04
As I have now packaged up the WORKLED for shipment, I can no longer perform comparative analyses between it and other lights, so please don't ask. The product earned a 5-star rating and a place in the Trophy Case, so use the WORKLED with confidence.

UPDATE: 04-19-04
I was loaned a 400nm near-ultraviolet LED WORKLED by Mike Boyd of InReTECH, and it arrived earlier today. I have a flashlight on my battery testing apparatus right now, and cannot get to my camera at the moment (part of the equipment is on it). Otherwise, I'd start shooting off pictures for this web page right now. :-)

This version of the WORKLED produces significant amounts of UVA radiation, which is not very good for your eyes. DO NOT stare into this version of the WORKLED when it's on. You only come with one set of eyeballs, and if you ruin them, you can't just go to the local 7-11 for more.

Picture of the 400nm WORKLED itself.

Picture of a Pelican Sabrelite flashlight fluorescing a foot or so away.

Picture of UV-reactive paste on a white post office envelope.
The camera does not reproduce NUV light very well; it is not the bright magenta color you see in this photograph.

UPDATE: 04-20-04
Here's another picture of the 400nm WORKLED in action.

Picture of a plastic bottle with a little green glow powder and another plastic bottle of UV-reactive stamp pad ink. Both are items that Mike of InReTECH sent awhile back. As in the earlier pictures, that bright magenta color is caused by the camera; the eye would see a dim royal purple or deep violet color instead.

UPDATE: 04-24-04
And here's another picture of the 400nm WORKLED in action.

This is a picture of a UV-reactive glass marble fluorescing (glowing) in the WORKLED's light.

UPDATE: 07-07-04
I need to return the 400nm WORKLED, so I will no longer be able to provide comparative analyses between it and other UVA products.

UPDATE: 03-06-06
InReTECH is now closing its doors because the owner can no longer keep it operational. This and all other InReTECH web pages will be kept available for the benefit of current InReTECH product owners.

Unit has very good brightness considering it uses 5mm LEDs
Case appears reasonably sturdy and durable
Window is replaceable if you somehow manage to break it
12 foot long lead-in wires (power cord) are (is) of a very generous length
Handle is easily removeable if you wish to use the WORKLED without it

Not regulated - but this product doesn't need to be anyway. Will not affect rating!
The NUV version is rather expensive - please try not to lose or break it.

    PRODUCT TYPE: Portable work light
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 180
    BEAM TYPE: Central hotspot with diffuse corona
    BEZEL: LEDs behind glass window
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 1.4 amps at 12 volts DC
    WATER RESISTANT: Splash resistant only
    ACCESSORIES: None that I'm aware of
    WARRANTY: 1 year


    Star Rating


Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
Agilent Barracuda & Prometheus LEDs
Oddball & Miscellaneous LEDs
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