Arctic 445nm LaserShades, retail $29.99 (
Manufactured by Wicked Lasers (
Last updated 10-05-10

This product does not emit light of its own, so the standard review format will not be used; however, since I consider them "test equipment", they will be furnished with a "star" rating. This web page will consist of just some informational text, four photographs, and two spectrographic analyses.

These are laser safety goggles designed for the blue (~445nm) diode laser -- they were actually made specifically to be used with the Wicked Lasers Spyder 3 Arctic 445nm 1W Blue Diode Laser.

They have acrylic lenses, a plastic frame, and a pair of temples (stems) like regular eyeglasses so that they don't just fall off.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

Me with the goggles on as they are intended to be used.

Blue laser spot from this product as viewed through these goggles.

This is what the Wicked Lasers Spyder 3 Arctic 445nm 1W Blue Diode Laser did to these LaserShades.
I have two other pairs of laser safety goggles that are highly effective at the Arctic's wavelength; so I was easily able to sacrifice these LaserShades in the name of science without robbing myself of eye protection.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of daylight to use as a control.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of daylight with these glasses placed in front of the spectrometer's light input aperture.
Note the sharp decrease in transmission between ~450nm and ~500nm.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the Wicked Lasers Spyder 3 Arctic 445nm 1W Blue Diode Laser with these glasses placed in front of the spectrometer's light input aperture.
That broadband "hump" peaking at ~615nm is fluorescence from the lenses of the glasses themselves.

Video on YourTube showing the Wicked Lasers Spyder 3 Arctic 445nm 1W Blue Diode Laser irradiating and subsequently destroying these safety glasses (that were furnished with that laser).

This clip is approximately 20.335662378675 megabytes (20,582,520 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than one hundred two minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

I cannot provide this video in other formats, so please do not ask.

Now for the good part: POWER MEASUREMENTS!!!

With these LaserShades in place, power output of the Wicked Lasers Spyder 3 Arctic 445nm 1W Blue Diode Laser on "low" was measured at 3.00mW, and on "high" it measures 20.96mW.

But with the Medical P/C Argon Laser Safety Goggles intercepting the beam, the power reaching the laser power meter with the Arctic set to "low" was just 40.000µW maximum; most of the power is from the yellow fluorescence of the lenses themselves, and 2.12mW with the Arctic set to "high" -- again, virtually all of it is from the yellow fluorescence of the lenses.

Test unit was furnished with the S3 Spyder Arctic 445nm Blue Laser that I received from on 09-27-10 (or "27 Sep 2010" if you prefer).

The primary reasons that this product received 3 stars and not 5 is because the transmission at the 445nm design wavelength is still quite a bit high, and because they offer no protection against laser radiation coming in from the sides, top, or bottom.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

    MANUFACTURER: Wicked Lasers
    PRODUCT TYPE: Laser safety goggles for visible blue lasers
    No. OF LAMPS: N/A
    CASE MATERIAL: Plastic w/acrylic lenses
    BEZEL: N/A
    SUBMERSIBLE: Not known, but very probably FOR CHRIST SAKES NO!!!
    ACCESSORIES: Zippered storage pouch, cleaning cloth
    SIZE: 35.80mm D by 228mm L
    WEIGHT: 378 grams
    WARRANTY: Unknown/TBA days


    Star Rating

Arctic 445nm LaserShades *

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