These pictures are of my lovely "waterfront" "view". :)

Let's check out the view. So up to the window we go, if we don't break something first...
This is looking out and slighty to the right.

Looking almost straight ahead, slightly to the left

And looking to the far left.
You actually have to put your head out the window and then turn in order to see this view.
Otherwise all you'll see are hotel windows, lamps, telephones, and naked hotel guests. :-O
On a good night, if the bulb outside is burnt out, sometimes you can see things in the sky.

This is what you see if you lean all the way out the window and look to the right.

Another view looking all the way to the right. 90% of you will most likely think that flag
is just a colorful summer windsock kind of thing; but the other 10% of you know what it's for. :)

Now this is much more truly representative of my actual view than any of the other pictures.
This is what I see no matter where in the living room or bedroom I go, until I get right up to the windows. Then I can see a bit more.
That white stuff floating gently to the ground isn't an airplane full of coke blowing up overhead... it's only some early season snow. :)