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Light Relief, retail $79.90 (www.lightrelief.com)
Manufactured by Light Relief (www.lightrelief.com)
Last updated 08-02-13

The Light Relief is a product that uses infrared (IR) radiation to help relieve common aches & pains.
I purchased this because I saw it on TV and saw that it used LEDs, not because I was "hurting for certain" {sp?}. 
I don't know if this technology is "snake oil" or not, but I don't believe it is. I am aware of some evidence to support the fact that light therapy really does work.
It features four frequency ("strobe") settings: START, LOW, MED, and HIGH; and also has heat that you can turn on or off at will. It can be used as a handheld device, it can be strapped to a specific part of the body using the included elastic (stretchy) band, or it can be detached from its handle (it comes with a cord specifically designed for this purpose) and wrapped around an injured or sore body part (the light unit is flexible); its controller & batteries set on a table, in a chair, or in your lap.
The pain relief benefits come chiefly from the NIR LEDs; if their wavelength is shorter than ~870nm, I'll attempt to perform a spectrographic analysis of them and publish the chart right here on this web page.

Feed your Light Relief unit six AA cells first (see below), plug the round plug from the blue piece into the receptacle for it on the larger white part, and then you can go to town.
Press & release the right hand side of the blue bar once to turn the unit on with strobe setting 1 (start).
Press & release it again to turn the unit on with strobe setting 2 (low).
Press & release it again to turn the unit on with strobe setting 3 (medium).
Press & release it again to turn the unit on with strobe setting 4 (high).
To turn the heat on, press & release the left hand side of the blue bar on top of the unit.
To turn the heat off, do the exact same thing.
The heat measured 101°F (38.3°C) on the surface of the pad after ~10 minutes of operation.
The test unit also came with an AC adapter, so you do not have to load batteries into it before use if you have a 110-130 volts AC receptacle handy.
The unit turns itself off after ~15 minutes.
Please read the enclosed instructional material regarding what types of injuries can be treated with this product. I am not a doctor, and don't play one on TV or on the internet. And I'd prefer it if you read the instructional material on this product vs. having me tell you how to use it. I cannot be held responsible for your use or misuse of the information you read on this web page.

Photograph of the product, affixed to my arm with one of the included straps.

To change the batteries in this product, remove the blue thing from the underside, gently place it on the floor, and kick it down the stairs so the termites will think it's something yummy to eat, drag it to their nest, and find it unpalatable so they just pee on it (yes, I had a pet rat that squatted over some nuts I brought home to her from the food bank, positioned her urethra directly over the top of the pile, and let 'er rip!!!)...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead.
You should now see a small lever that has "Open" and an arrow printed underneath the word. Press this spring-loaded lever in the direction of the arrow, and lift the battery door. It's on hinges, so it should not come completely off.
If necessary, remove and dispose of or recycle the six used AA cells from the battery compartment.
Load six new AA cells into the compartment, orienting them so the flat-end (-) negative of each AA cell faces a spring for it in each compartment. Swing the battery door shut, pressing in on it until it clicks. Place the blue thing on the bottom of the device, and be done with it.
Aren't you glad you didn't kick that blue thing into the basement with all those termites with full bladders now?
Current usage measures 292mA (LEDs only "high") and 659mA (LEDs & heat).

This product is meant to be used as a medical device in a dry area, not as a flashlight designed to be thrashed, trashed, carried around constantly, and abused, so I won't try to flush it down the toilet, bash it against a steel rod or against the concrete floor of an outdoor patio, drown it in my sister's car's gas tank, let my sister's kitty cats go to the bathroom on it, run over it with a 450lb Celebrity motorised wheelchair, or perform other indecencies on it that a regular flashlight might have to go through. So this section of the web page will be SIGNIFICANTLY more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight that was born to exist as a flashlight.

Photograph of the bottom of the product, in use.
Those "white"LEDs are actually NIR LEDs - the camera "sees" the radiation as white.

Photograph of the handheld unit and LED pad seperated from one another.
Spectrographic analysis of the NIR LEDs in this product.
That hump in the red is from one of the red LEDs in this product, and may be ignored.
Same as above; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range of 750nm to 1,000nm.
Spectrographic analysis of the red LEDs in this product.
Same as above; newer spectrometer & software.
Spectrographic analysis of the blue LEDs in this product.
Same as above; newer spectrometer & software.
Spectrographic analysis of the NIR LEDs in this product; newest (01-13-13) spectrometer software settings used.
Spectrographic analysis of the NIR LEDs in this product; newest (01-13-13) spectrometer software settings used. Spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 830nm and 840nm to pinpoint emission peak wavelength, which is 833.920nm.
The raw spectrometer data (comma-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at http://ledmuseum.candlepower.us/42/lightrr.txt
Spectrographic analysis of the red LEDs in this product; newest (01-13-13) spectrometer software settings used.
That minor hump in the blue is from the blue LEDs in this product.
Spectrographic analysis of the red LEDs in this product; newest (01-13-13) spectrometer software settings used. Spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 640nm and 650nm to pinpoint emission peak wavelength, which is 644.550nm.
The raw spectrometer data (comma-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at http://ledmuseum.candlepower.us/42/lightrr.txt
Spectrographic analysis of the blue LEDs in this product; newest (01-13-13) spectrometer software settings used.
That minor hump in the red is from the red LEDs in this product.
Spectrographic analysis of the blue LEDs in this product; newest (01-13-13) spectrometer software settings used. Spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 460nm and 470nm to pinpoint emission peak wavelength, which is 464.560nm.
The raw spectrometer data (comma-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at http://ledmuseum.candlepower.us/42/lightrb.txt
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.
Brief video on YourTube showing the strobing LEDs in the Light Relief phototherapy device.
This video is approximately 3.0053898344 megabytes (3,168,846 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than fifteen minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
I cannot provide it in other formats, so please do not ask.
That music you might hear playing in the background is from a C=64 computer demo I wrote in 1993.
This product is *NOT* sound-sensitive; you may ignore or even mute the music if it pisses you off as it has no impact on the video.
The sequence I used is 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Only setting #1 produced visible strobing effects.
Test unit was purchased at www.lightrelief.com on 01-11-07 after seeing it on a television commercial, and was received on the afternoon of 01-22-07.
The AC adapter is rated to output 9 volts DC at 1 amp.
Center of plug is (-) negative, outer can is (+) positive.
The product's country of manufacture is not stated & not known.
This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or cure disease. Light Relief LLC makes no
claims, representations, or warranties regarding the ability of this product to cure any physical
or mental conditions. A qualified health professional should be consulted with regard to any
condition requiring medical attention.
UPDATE: 01-24-07
I have decided to rate this product 4½ Stars and place it in "The Trophy Case" on this website. I rated it so quickly because it is not intended to be used as a flashlight, and it's certainly not a laser.
UPDATE: 01-28-07
I'm using the product on my upper left leg this morning (setting #2, with heat turned on - and yes, I had to partially disrobe
); for some reason, the leg is a bit sore. If anything happens, I'll post it on this web page a bit later.
UPDATE: 01-28-07
No, you aren't seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
The product on setting #2, with heat turned on, did nothing. Perhaps it was simply not designed to deal with this type of pain.
UPDATE: 06-16-07
I received an email over the weekend from an expert in photoherapy; he presented to me evidence that phototherapy really *DOES* work. Consider this a positive - and a pretty big one too!!!
Batteries it uses are common and relatively inexpensive
Includes AC adapter for use without batteries
Appears durable enough that it won't just summarily fall apart during normal usage
Not very water-resistant - in my opinion it should be
PRODUCT TYPE: Handheld pain relieving device
No. OF LAMPS: 59 (24 NIR, 31 red, 4 blue)
BEAM TYPE: Narrow flood
SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton off/mode control/heat on top of product
CASE MATERIAL: Plastic & rubber
BATTERY: 6xAA cells
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 292mA (heater off) & 659mA (heater on)
WATER RESISTANT: Light splatter-resistance at maximum
ACCESSORIES: Body strap, body band, travel bag, AC adapter
WARRANTY: 5 years

Light Relief * www.lightrelief.com
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?
Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of
real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at ledmuseum@gmail.com.
Please visit this web page for contact information.
Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.
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