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Somebody set up us the bomb. Computer Demos I Wrote for Paul Casey, retail $(Free!)
Manufactured by Me (
Last updated 04-11-10
This product does not emit light of its own, so the standard review format will not be used and the product will not be assigned a rating.
Paul Casey (the sysop of the now-defunct Paul's Waka Waka BBS in Seattle WA. USA) was my "bestest" friend on the entire planet. He passed away on 06-16-06 (16 Jun. 2006 if you prefer); I made a memorial website in his honour on 08-19-06 (19 Aug. 2006); now I'm adding web pages about things either he gave me or Waka Waka merchandise that I purchased from his CafePress store to my website.
Much of Paul's life revolved around his computers (his BBS and Tandy 1000 computers to be specific); were he still with us, he'd be totally thrilled to see these demos!!!
You may recognise the following phrase:
That's because I often used it in the scroll text of many of the demos I wrote for/on the Commodore 64 computer in the early- and mid-1990s.
I included it in these demos more for nostalgia than anything else -- no coffeepots actually became busted while writing these demos.
Here is the text as it appeared in one of my demos; split into three lines so that it would fit the screen.
If the color pisses you off, then this one might be more to your liking (the music is also different).
This third one runs on some Windows 98 machines (it does not work on my Toshiba laptop, but does work on my Gateway 2000 desktop).
This version has the copper color theme like the first demo above.
This version of Paul Casey's memorial demo is a newer one - a new photograph was used and it has had the sinus text removed; like the last one, some viewers may find it easier on the 'ol eyeballs.
This version of Paul Casey's memorial demo is the latest one - a screen dump of Paul's Waka Waka BBS is on there!!! It has also had the sinus text removed; like the last two, some viewers may find it easier on the 'ol eyeballs.
This version is the latest one (04-01-10) - a screen dump of D'Bridge (Paul's choise of mailer front-end) is on there!!! It has also had the larger of the two sinus scrolltexts removed; like the last three, some viewers may find it easier on the 'ol eyeballs.
And this version is the same as above; but may run on some Windows 98 pee cees.
These are executable (.EXE) programs, however they are known to be "clean" (bug-free).
Here are some DOS demo/BBS advertisement programs I made for him in the mid-1990s:
They were known to operate on 386 and 486 computers; they run in DOS mode (using F8 to reboot directly to DOS on computers using Windows and with Pentium CPUs as well) (tested good on Pentium I and II only).
Screen dump from the copper-colored one.
Screen dump from the alternate one (if you don't care for the copper color scheme).
Here's another screen dump from this version; this one was timed specifically so that the names of BDS group members were shown.
And this version lacks the sinus text and the photograph -- some may find it to be easier on the eyes.
Screen dump from a newer version.
If you're wondering why the bottom text reads "RENAMED IT TO TDC (THE DOUCHE CREW) IN", it's because I was explaining the basic progression of my Commodore 64 demo group TDM -- yes, I ran a Commodore 64 demo group in the early and early/mid-1990s.
Photograph of my computer monitor, showing that fullscreen mode really *DOES* function properly.
Screen dump from the latest (03-29-10) version.
Notice the graphic is actually Paul's BBS!!!
Though I must admit that I felt a little queer (pun not intended) registering & logging in as him in order to obtain that screen dump.
Screen dump from the latest (04-01-10) demo.
Screen photograph from ADWAKA.EXE -- this is one of the DOS demos I wrote for Paul in the 1990s.
Screen photograph from ADWAKA.EXE -- this is the page you got when you pressed ESC to end the demo.
memorial.exe = 427,520 bytes in size (Windows XP) memoria2.exe = 415,744 bytes in size (Windows XP) memoria3.exe = 413,184 bytes in size (Windows 98) memoria4.exe = 266,240 bytes in size (Windows XP) memoria5.exe = 266,240 bytes in size (Windows 98) memoria6.exe = 403,456 bytes in size (Windows XP) memoria7.exe = 403,456 bytes in size (Windows 98) memoria8.exe = 258,048 bytes in size (Windows XP) memoria9.exe = 258,048 bytes in size (Windows 98) memori10.exe = 257,024 bytes in size (Windows XP) memori11.exe = 257,024 bytes in size (Windows 98)
The first three demos were written on 03-13-10 on my pee-cee computer; subsequent demos were written at different, more recent times. The ones titled "ADWAKA*.ZIP" were written in the mid-1990s.
Demos were written in the United States.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.
UPDATE: 00-00-00
PRODUCT TYPE: Computer demo (graphics & music) programs
Product was not intended to be a light-emitter, so the traditional "star" rating will not be used.
Computer Demos I Wrote for Paul Casey *
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